Empty numberlines
Visualising numbers again, this time with empty numberlines. We’re still working on the quantity model of number, which correlates with… more
Visualising numbers again, this time with empty numberlines. We’re still working on the quantity model of number, which correlates with… more
Exploring numbers in different ways. Once we had played around with bead strings, we started adding other resources into the… more
Count to 100, easy peasy. But what do our children actually know and understand about these numbers? To start off… more
Symmetry in Action: let’s bring out my favourite resource ‘numicon’. Just when I thought I had got everything I possibly… more
Symmetry in Action: let’s explore with Lego! Sometimes you stumble across a new way to teach a concept and sometimes… more
Welcome back to the maths table! We’re now learning about numbers up to 20 and there are plenty of opportunities… more
Making sense of numbers to 10 with these number links. Lots of fine motor as well as maths practice as… more
This is our third activity for exploring adding 1 more. This time we’re using pegs on a peg board. Children use… more
My class really enjoyed this counting activity today. Threading cut up straws onto furry pipe cleaners, what’s not to love? It’s a… more
More active maths games for numbers to 10. This time children are practising ordering numbers to 10. We’re using the… more
Count carefully with this simple linking chain game. We have been learning how to count carefully and using ‘move to… more
Explore number and counting with this painting activity. Learners dab the correct number of petals onto each flower. In this version… more
Let’s play at the maths table! This is at least what I hope my pupils are thinking after I gave… more
Odd and even is quite possibly my favourite concept in maths to teach. We started exploring this idea using the… more
Peg pot games are great for numeracy practice. Basically, pegs numbered from 1 to 10 are stored clipped in order… more
Learning about tens frames through play. Children pick a car park, check the number and then park the cars. I… more
Build knowledge of numbers past 10 with the train game. Each carriage is a tens frame that children fill with… more
Use a numicon numberline as a teaching and learning aide. This display is at my teaching area and we refer… more