Symmetry in Action: Lego
Symmetry in Action: let’s explore with Lego! Sometimes you stumble across a new way to teach a concept and sometimes… more
Symmetry in Action: let’s explore with Lego! Sometimes you stumble across a new way to teach a concept and sometimes… more
Number exploration, so much fun in P1! After a really engaging CPD about conceptual number development, I challenged myself to… more
Yay, the lollisticks are back and this time we’re counting to 20. Thanks again to my lovely stage partner for… more
Lots of fun practising ordering numbers to 10 with these lollisticks. Thanks to my fantastic stage partner for letting me… more
Another reading game, I am definitely on a roll! I find it harder to come up with ideas for reading… more
Word reading games are not something I find particularly easy to design, so I’m really proud of this one. I… more
Making sense of numbers to 10 with these number links. Lots of fine motor as well as maths practice as… more
We’ve extended the search all the way up to 20. Someone has stolen my numbers and I need them back!… more
We’re exploring the concept of 1 more with the trusty pipe cleaner and straw activity. It’s looking slightly the worse… more
More active maths games for numbers to 10. This time children are practising ordering numbers to 10. We’re using the… more
Let’s build some words! We’ve been working hard on letter recognition and playing phonics awareness games, and some children are… more
Explore number and counting with this painting activity. Learners dab the correct number of petals onto each flower. In this version… more
Sorting sounds game is a fun way to reinforce letter recognition. We started learning letters and sounds in the first… more
Practising addition without any worksheets! This is one of the warm up games that we start each maths lesson with.… more
Our egg hatched and out came a very hungry caterpillar! We’ve been reading the picture book, looking at BBC video… more
A mysterious egg has been laid on a leaf in our classroom. The children were very intrigued by what it… more
Multilink fun to explore odd and even. We built on our understanding by building the numbers from cubes and discussing whether… more
Use subtraction stories to build on prior knowledge when introducing taking away. Children already know a lot about subtraction through… more
Children are fascinated by these sensory letters while learning initial sounds. They provide an alternative to purchased or teacher laminated… more
Here’s a writing activity that I made years ago, but still going strong! Set up the game by matching the… more