Trains, planes and automobiles, that’s how we arrived in Accra on Sunday night. No long dwindling summer evenings, the sun was down long before we arrived. Taking my first step out of the airport, not only was I hit by the hot humid air, but also by the noise. It felt like we had walked into the middle of a busy market, with locals selling their wares, waiting for people with signs and of course offering us taxis.
After a surprisingly good sleep and some excellent food, we travelled through Accra to Cape Coast. This is when it became apparent why we are here and the impact we are hoping to have. Without wanting to sound too trite, you can see that education, infrastructure and investment would make a huge difference. On the journey we saw a school of children sitting under a tree. Whether they were there for assembly or lessons wasn’t clear, but it was a snapshot of the conditions in which learning and teaching are meant to take place.
Now it’s over to us. We’ve started our training as fellows and we will be visiting classrooms and teachers tomorrow.